Monday 16 September 2013

Will GPS Change Our Standards for Privacy?

“ What's more private than our exact location? That's about as private as it gets.

- Todd Humphreys

Part 5 of the TED Radio Hour episode Predicting The Future.

About Todd Humphreys' TEDTalk

Todd Humphreys forecasts the near-future of geolocation when millimeter-accurate GPS "dots" will enable you to find pin-point locations, index-search your physical possessions — or to track people without their knowledge. And the response to the sinister side of this technology may have unintended consequences of its own.

About Todd Humphreys

Todd Humphreys is director of the University of Texas at Austin's Radionavigation Laboratory — where he works as an assistant professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. His research into orbital mechanics has made him one of the world's leading experts on GPS technology and the security concerns that arise from its ubiquitous use. In 2008, he co-founded Coherent Navigation, a startup dedicated to creating more secure GPS systems.

View the original article here

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