Monday, 16 September 2013

LED Glowies and Throwies

LED Glowie (Anne Helmenstine)Many people who are interested in science projects are a little intimidated by anything involving electronics, but this quick project is as easy as it gets. You can make an LED glowie (glowie = glowing LED that you can use for basically any application requiring a glow) or an LED throwie (throwie = glowie with a magnet, which is good for sticking a glowie onto any ferromagnetic material) using very basic materials.

Materials for LED Glowies and LED Throwies LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes - sold at Radioshack and other electronics stores) 3-V batteries (sold at the same place... note the common 1.5 V batteries aren't powerful enough to light an LED) small magnets (for throwies) tape (optional for glowies, necessary for throwies) Make LED Glowies and LED Throwies Examine an LED. Notice how one prong is longer than the other. Now look at the battery. The smooth flat side is the positive (+) side, while the side with the ring is the negative (-) side. Insert the battery into the LED with the long prong of the LED on the smooth positive (+) side of the battery. That's it! You've made an LED glowie! Now, if you want to make an LED throwie, tape a small magnet onto the positive (+) side of the battery. Toss the LED throwie at your refrigerator or whatever or use it to make a glowing ice crystal ball.

View the original article here

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